We finally got to accept our Award from STEM South West, due to the bad snow and icy roads we could not travel on the official award night. We won (The STEM in Industry Company of the Year Award) Sarah got to meet the legend Derval O’Rourke which was a huge honour.
The STEM company of the year award celebrates organisations leading the way in creating a proactive, inclusive and supportive environment for STEM, both within their own company and through outreach initiatives.
We are truly grateful to win this award, especially due to the competition we were up against and we really did not expect to get nominated never mind win. This will give us great energy and determination going forward to build on our success and bring Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths into many more young people’s lives.
We want to thank all the gang at #stemsouthwest especially Louise Sexton who was very helpful.
Finally last but not least, we want to thank everyone that has been part of our team over the last few years. We also want to say a huge thanks to all of our customers, the many schools, youth initiatives, volunteers, Mom’s & Dads who have supported us, we are forever grateful.
Thanks a million.
The StemWizz Team